- Wove, Twue Wove...... 7/26/97
On July 26th, the San Francisco Rave community turned out to celebrate the union of Amanda and Dustin at True Love, a very special event that included a marriage ceremony for the lucky couple. There was a unique atmosphere of love and happiness that night, and many of the SFRaves partiers came out to play!
(Click on the thumbnail image to view a full size version.)

Many happy folk turned up to celebrate with Amanda and Dustin. Amanda and Dustin's friend Lara reading a poem about their love......
Everyone grooving on the ceremony! A pair of beauties...... AnnieT and Amanda
Mark with Stariana. More happy people: Nancy, Eric, Rebecca and Dia.
Fubari, Shua, Nick, Ben & Iris, with an Ed lurking in back! Da Man -
Ben, Iris, Rebecca and
Nick, chillin'......
Bec, Nick, Twelve, Beth, and Matt.
Veann with some nutter...... ......and finally, my own True Love Rebecca, getting stretched by Justin.

Check out the Harmony Massive Pix too!

last updated 8/12/97
8027 Page Hits Since 8/12/97
Pages maintained by Nick Donaldson.
If you have any comments or find a
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