Stephen Hawking's Homepage - his official homepage

Interesting lectures..........

Origin of the Universe

Baby Universes, Children of Blackholes

The Beginning Of Time

The Nature of Space and Time    (Note: you need Adobe Acrobat to read this lecture)

Articles and Interviews......

Larry King Live Interview Transcript From CNN.

The Smartest Person In The World From the Morning News Tribune

Hawking Reminisces From the Seattle Post-Intelligencer

Stephen Hawking: a Biography by Derek Bruce MacDonald

An interview with Stephen Hawking by David Cherniack

Stephen Hawking'S Universe by Dr. Christopher Ray

A Brief Visit In Time from The Seattle Times

Hawking lost his voice, not mind from The Seattle Post-Intelligencer

A collection of articles and reports from The University of Washington.

Miscellaneous Resources

Lecture tour dates and news - Watch here for upcoming appearances.

Hawking Radiation - Original by John Baez: a discussion of Hawking's discovery that
black holes radiate energy.

Stephen Hawking, The Big Bang, and God - Dr. Henry "Fritz" Schaefer III lectures
about the cosmological and theological implications of "A Brief History of Time."

Bekenstein-Hawking entropy from a phenomenological membrane By C. Gundlach: A
propostition available in postscript for download.

Grad to study black holes with Hawking - An interview with one of the few grad
students under Hawking's tutorage.

Stephen Hawking and Intel - A description of the computer system that Intel has designed for him.


A Brief History of MINE from his home page.

My Experience with ALS - Professor Hawking talks about his disability.

Other Hawking Pages

The Universidad de Oviedo Page, in España.

"Eine kurze Geschichte der Zeit", from Deutschland.

Mario Biondi's page in Italia.

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